Day 39 Post-Op

Things are still going well, can’t complain. I’m learning a lot of new lessons.

Cooking and Eating

I’m still fine tuning how I cook for myself post-op. I’m used to making a lot of food and eating leftovers, but I’m not able to eat enough and my leftovers will spoil. So now I’m using my crockpot a lot more and making beans, stews, chilis, and casseroles and freezing them into 1 cup servings for myself. Now when I don’t feel like cooking or preparing anything, I can defrost and make my own microwave meals.

I’ve also made my own frozen protein yogurt cups to get my ice cream fix. It’s just non-fat greek yogurt, lime juice, protein powder, and blended fruit. Delicious and a good hit of protein. I’ve got a few cups in the freezer at all times now.

I talked a bit in my video about my adventure with Brussel sprouts the other night. Not fun at all. I thought I had chewed them up but I guess they weren’t soft enough. That with the white meat chicken and the speed I ate, it was bound to happen. For about and hour and a half I was sliming (burping up excess saliva) and just in agony. It was a very effective PSA to do things right and eat like a WLS patient.


I also talked about having stalls. I think I have to rethink what I believe is a stall. From my readings, some people have stalls that last weeks, even months. I’m so excited to see the scale move that when it doesn’t, I immediately jump to conclusions. It’s hard for me not to weight myself every day, but I’m trying. I’d say I’m having pauses as my body catches up with all the changes I’m going through. As long as I’m keeping with the program, I know it will come off. It’s only been a little over a month, so patience is a virtue.

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